What happens when you take a marker and start drawing?
One of the ideas that we rely on when drawing Neurographica is that the number of lines determines the quality of the result. It means the more neurographic lines you will draw the better result you will get.
How does this happen?
Image how you wake up in the morning, do your morning rituals and go to work every day. Most of us are usually taking the same road to get from the house you live in to the place where your work is. After several days of starting a new job, you will not pay any attention on how you get from point A (your house) to point B (your work). You will just get there. After repeating the same journey for several times, you have formed a neuro pattern so you don’t need to waste your energy and attention on how to build “to get to work” map.
Our beliefs are formed in the same way. If you tell a person that he is a “pig” for a long time, he will eventually starts grunting. Sad, but true.
This is just a simple example of neuro pattern that our brain consists of. Imagine how many of them we have build through our life repeating some action from day one.
Can we change these patterns?
Yes, we certainly can by drawing NeuroGraphica. But in order to from the new patterns you need to draw enough neuro lines, enough neuro pictures to see the changes in your reality.
Let’s have a look at what is happening in our brain when we draw NeuroGraphica and follow all the steps of the Basic Algorithm.
Imagine yourself going to a bakery. You walk in and see plenty of cakes, muffins, shortbreads, brownies, donuts and other delicious stuff – an embarrassment of riches. But you have to choose just one thing because you are watching your weight.
So that how we start when we sit down and decided to draw NeuroGraphica. There are so many tasks we would like to complete, so many problems we need to solve. But for one drawing we choose just one thing. We cannot change all neuro patterns at once. Otherwise, your life will become a mess.
What happens next?
We start from our everyday consciousness and move through our subconsciousness to unconsciousness.
All steps of Basic Neurographica Algorithms take you very slowly to the hidden world of your neuro patterns and changes them very gently.
On the way down we look at our everyday problems, meet with resistant and harmonize it with the special technique called “rounding” or “conjoining”, we add as many neuro lines as we can to form new neuro patterns, new roads for a new life.
We add the power and experience of other people to our drawing and find out that we are not alone in the world and a lot of people have already solved the problems we are dealing with in our life.
Then we move deeper and deeper to our True Self. We might feel how resistance attacks us again when we are almost there and the first insight of who we are and what we really want is already seen.
Well, we keep breathing and drawing more neuro lines and do more “rounding”.
And here we are!
Our theme is changing. We anchor it add some more lines that represent Higher Power (it is hard to live the life of your dream without a support of something that is greater than we are) on the drawing and come up, back to our everyday consciousness with the new understanding, will to change, relaxed and full of energy.
Sounds fantastic?
You can try it out yourself.